Initiative to promote commitment on biodiversity conservation (BIODEV2030)
The BIODEV2030 initiative, funded by AFD and Expertise France, aims to implement effective sectoral commitments to halt the decline of biodiversity and its consequences over the next decade.
In Viet Nam, the objective of BIODEV2030 is to promote commitment to a green economy, conduct scientific assessments on biodiversity loss and to identify the economic sectors that are leveraging the most damage to the environment. The initiative will also establish a Voluntary Based Commitment (VBC) for the sectors that are degrading the ecosystems in the country.
WWF are coordinating the initiative in Viet Nam. WWF are also implementing the project in Cameroon, Congo Republic, Gabon, Guyana, Madagascar, Tunisia and Uganda. IUCN will implement the project in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guinea-Conakry, Kenya, Mozambique and Senegal.
IUCN Viet Nam is one of the advisory members and implementation partners of BIODEV2030 in Viet Nam along with the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency, MONRE. Over coming time, IUCN through VB4E, will connect and collaborate with businesses to promote the initiative.
For more information about BIODEV2030, please visit: